4 of the 24 Overextended Sales Qualities That Are Keeping You From Making Money! Sales happens in every aspect of your life. Wether you are a professional sales person or you are consumer. I have even heard it said that anytime anyone opens their mouth to speak, it is a form of sales. As most people are talking to sell themselves. Every one wants to be liked, loved or bought from!
There are thousands upon thousands of structures, trainings, boot camps and the like to teach you how to sell. However, what really needs to be established first, is how your personality qualities, your key behaviors, fit into the sales process. Once you identify your qualities in the sales process, you will then be able to take on the qualities you'd like to shift and master more specifically. In this article I am pointing to only 4 of the 24 Overextended Sales Qualities that people exhibit when they are in a position of, confusion, high stress, frustration, upset, overload, that effects how they are being in the sales process. I will also make suggestions to overcome these behaviors. What is Overextended Qualities? Qualities or key behaviors in your personality which have been overplayed to the extent that they can negatively impact your Sales cycle. Which inevitably impacts your income. Have a read through these 4 Overextentions and see if you find yourself operating from any of them. 1.) UNGROUNDED RESEARCH: Research is paramount for contributing to sales success and looking for new opportunities. However, it can be a very costly investment in time and resources. It can be very hard to recover the setbacks from this initial stage. My belief is that companies have a challenge determining the costs lost in the this stage of the Sales Process without any guidance or measurements in place. This may show up in a behavior like this;
2.) PUSHY & BLUNT: When prospecting, first impressions are extremely important and it's crucial to avoid any slip ups at this point. Being able to secure your attention on one client and not be distracted by another, keeping a high level of diplomacy to avoid offending or coming across too strongly. This may show up in a behavior like this;
Be sure to articulate well, communicate productively and watch that you are not forcing your ideas and involvement upon people. 3.) PASSIVE: Clients like to feel understood. Without airing your views it can be hard for clients to know that you understand their situation. The worst outcome from a visit to a client is them left feeling like they have not been heard. This may show up in a behavior like this;
4.) PEOPLE PLEASING: Recommending solutions is a crucial part of the sales process and a delicate balancing act between providing too much information which may overwhelm the client and not providing enough so the client feels informed. It is important not to over commit when customizing solutions for your client. This can lead to future difficulties when delivering the outcome and effect your integrity. This may show up in a behavior like this;
As we are all human, we all have behaviors existing in overextended moments. Those of us that learn to curb and master our overextentions are the ones who sell more, faster and earn higher incomes. LUMINA Sales is available immediately for you to uncover your sales qualities and overxtenstions. So you can see the areas to master and start making record sales!
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